IEM Membership

The membership of the Institution shall consist of two classes :-

  1. Corporate Members
  2. Non-corporate Members

Corporate Members shall comprise four grades, namely :

  1. Distinguished Honorary Fellows
  2. Honorary Fellows
  3. Fellows
  4. Members

All Corporate Members shall be engineers.

Non-corporate Members shall comprise eight grades, namely :-

  1. Distinguished Honorary Fellows
  2. Honorary Fellows
  3. Honorary Members
  4. Graduate Members
  5. Incorporated Members
  6. Affiliate Members
  7. Associate Members and
  8. Student Members

Only Corporate Members have the right to vote, to requisition meetings and to be elected to the council.

The names of all members shall be entered on the Register of the Institution, hereinafter referred as "the Register". Each grade of membership shall comprise every person who has been admitted, elected or transferred into that grade, so long as his name is on the Register as such.

Distinguished Honorary Fellows, Honorary Fellows, Fellows, Members, Graduate Members and Incorporated Members shall be entitled to the exclusive use after their names of the following abbreviated forms showing their grades of Membership :

Distinguished Honorary Fellow D.Hon. F.I.E.M.
Honorary Fellow Hon. F.I.E.M.
Honorary Member Hon. M.I.E.M.
Fellow F.I.E.M.
Member M.I.E.M.
Graduate Member Grad I.E.M.
Incorporated Member Inc. I.E.M.


Affiliate Members, Associate Members and Student Members shall not be entitled to be designated by abbreviations.

No person who has ceased to be a member of the Institution shall be entitled to make use of any designation implying connection with the Institution.

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A Distinguished Honorary Fellow shall be a person acknowledged eminence such as Head of State, Prime Ministers, prominent engineers and world renowned figures who has contributed outstanding services to the engineering profession, the Institution or the Nation.

A Honorary Fellow shall be a distinguished person of acknowledged eminence whom the Institution desires to honour for services rendered to the engineering profession.

A Honorary Member shall be a distinguished person from the Corporate or Public Sector who has rendered outstanding services to the engineering profession or the Institution.

Distinguished Honorary Fellowship, Honorary Fellowship and Honorary Membership shall be conferred by the Council. The criteria for these Grades shall be set out in the Bylaws and estalished guidelines.

There shall be no direct admission to this grade. Admission shall only be by transfer from the grade of Member. To be eligible for transfer to the grade of Fellow, a Member shall have satisfied the Council that he is worthy of transfer to this grade in accordance with the relevant Bylaws and Regulations.

A Senior Member, at the time of his advancement or transfer to this grade, shall have satisfied the Council that he has attained such standard as set by the Council to testify to his professionalism and proficiency as an engineer of substantial standing and that he is worthy of election in accordance with the relevant Bylaws and Regulations.

Online Application

A Member, at the time of his advancement or election to this grade, shall have satisfied the Council that he has attained such standard as set by the Council to testify to his proficiency as a professional engineer, and that he is worthy of election in accordance with the relevant Bylaws and Regulations. 

A Companion shall be a person who is academically qualified, has the necessary training and experience or wide exposure to the engineering profession and that he is worthy for admission in accordance with the relevant Bylaws and Regulations.

Online Application

A Graduate Member shall be a person who in respect to his age, his educational attainments and his practical training, complies with the relevant Bylaws and Regulations. 

Online Application

An Incorporated Member shall be a person who in respect to his educational attainments and his practical training, complies with the relevant Bylaws and Regulations.

Online Application

An Affiliate Member shall be a person who has had the necessary experience in a responsible position in engineering or a person who by his connection with engineering science or the arts or otherwise is qualified to contribute in the advancement of engineering knowledge and his practical training, complies with the relevant Bylaws and Regulations.

Online Application

An Associate Member shall be a person who, in respect to his educational attainments and his practical training, complies with the relevant Bylaws and Regulations.

Online Application

A Student Member shall be a person who in respect to his educational attainments, complies with such of the Bylaws and Regulations.

Online Application


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