Chairman Inaugural Address


Good morning and salam sejahtera,

Ir. Ong Ching Loon, Timbalan President IEM, Y.Bhg Dato Ir. Zainurin bin Karman, Pengerusi IEM Negeri Sembilan, Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa IEM NS, tuan- tuan dan puan-puan yang dihormati.  

First of all, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Y. Bhg Dato Ir Zainurin bin Karman and the executive committee for having elected me as the Chairman of IEM Negeri Sembilan Branch for session 2018/2019. I am deeply honored by the trust and confidence placed upon me and I will do my utmost to carry out the entrusted responsibilities.

IEM Negeri Sembilan branch was established in 1993 as a subsidiary branch of the IEM HQ. Till today the membership has grown to 1668 including 1027 student members. IEM Negeri Sembilan started without own facility until 2008, when this shop lot was purchased and turned into IEM Negeri Sembilan office. This office is equipped with appropriate infra structures which enabled activities such as technical talks, meetings, PI interviews and festival celebrations to be carried out. There is also an administration executive, Pn. Suriya stationed here from Monday till Friday during office hour. Not many branches possess these privileges. So, we at Negeri Sembilan branch are truly blessed. I would like to invite members to visit the office and utilize the available facilities.

As the incoming elected Chairman, I wish to announce the reactivation of activities that are in line with the missions of IEM namely:

1. To promote engineering profession to support the socio-economic development of our nation

2. To provide services to the members

3. To enhance society’s consciousness of science, engineering and technology. By using the available infra structure plus the expertise of members and collaboration with partners, we intend to revitalize the following activities:

1. To arrange technical visits to the industries around this community for members to learn, benchmark and develop networking. To kick start, I have managed to obtain permission to visit KiBing Glass Company located at Tuanku Jaafar Industrial Area on 4th August 2018. It is a Chinese invested company, manufacturing industrial glass sheet. It has good facilities such as the state of art heat reclamation unit which may be interesting to engineers. The next visit in plan is the Samsung SDI Energy (M), a manufacturer of rechargeable battery that powers ICT products like smart phone, computer and laptop as well as power tools. Another destination is to visit Kualiti Alam facility which is equipped with incinerator, plastic bottle recycling machine and oil extractor. Members are encouraged to propose any interesting places or projects which are relevant for members to visit.

2.  To facilitate seminars or technical talks in which experts are invited to share their experience and knowledge. I will take the first step to conduct a talk about Sustainable Product Design which I have presented in the Malaysians Science and Technology Congress at UPM last year. I also plan to give talk about Industry 4.0 implementation at Smart Factory. Few committee members have also expressed their intentions to hold talks and dialogues. Again members who wish to conduct training or seminars are welcome to contact the secretariat for further information. Participants are not confined only to IEM members. Non members including students are welcome to participate.

3. To organize class to guide engineer about the roadmap to attain professional engineer status. This is in line with the direction of IEM HQ to rope in more engineer to become graduate or corporate member.

4. To enhance members’ and public’s consciousness about IEM Negeri Sembilan by disseminating information about our activities. As the member of editorial board and committee member of the information and publication standing committee, I will strive to work closely with IEM HQ to publish our activities in the official magazine JURUTERA or IEM portal website.

To understand more about planned activities, please contact Pn. Suriya or surf the IEM Negeri Sembilan branch portal – the success of this activity is very much determined by the active participation of fellow members. The activities are planned with the noble intentions for members to explore and increase awareness about the development of industry and engineering sectors around the communities. They can also become the platform for members to meet up and foster friendship, while enjoying the CPD hour. Normally a minimum amount of fee is imposed and the money collected is channeled to the fund of IEM Negeri Sembilan. So I strongly urged fellow members to engage in the activities and please encourage your colleagues, staffs, friends or students to join.

Besides the said activities, I also welcome members to contribute ideas or ways in which IEM NS could serve you better. I believe that the existence of IEM is to serve and champion the engineering profession and not for pursuing personal gain or position.

I wish to close this inaugural address with a special note of appreciation to Y.Bhg Dato Ir. Zainurin for the excellent job steering IEM Negeri Sembilan for 2 terms. His high integrity to sort out the acute hidden financial issue will definitely enhance the well-being of IEM Negeri Sembilan and promote transparent development for all fellow members to enjoy for years to come. Indeed his leadership demonstrated the famous thought of Dr Martin Luther - “There is always a right time to do right thing”. I would like also to extend my gratitude to Ir. Tiong for his multiple foresights (short and long) and feedbacks (inside and outside) in advising the committee. Thank you also to Ir. Ong Ching Loon, Deputy President for his meaningful slides and gracing today AGM. IEM Negeri Sembilan is ever ready to work closely with HQ to fulfill common missions.

Sebelum mengundur diri, izinkan saya menyampaikan beberapa rangkap pantun.

Ribuan Terima Kasih diucapkan
Kepada Timbalan President persatuan
Kerjasama tuan selalu diharapkan
Demi kemajuan persatuan

Ribuan Terima Kasih diucapkan
Kepada Dato Pengerusi persatuan
Sumbangan Dato tetap diperlukan
Semoga Dato kekal di persatuan

Ribuan Terima Kasih diucapkan
Kepada semua warga persatuan
Penyertaan warga amat dialukan
Demi kejayaan persatuan

Ir. Dr Oh Seong Por
Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
Negeri Sembilan Branch
30th June 2018

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