Place: Seminar Room, IEMNS | City: Seremban, Malaysia
A boiler (or also known as steam generator) is a mechanical system that generates steam at the desired rate at the desired pressure and temperature by burning fuel in its furnace. The boiler system is a complex integration of boiler tubes, furnace, superheated, reheated, evaporator, economizer and air preheater along with various auxiliaries such as fuel handling system, burners, pumps, fans, stokes, air pollution control equipment, ash-handling equipment & stack etc. Boiler is the heart of any industrial plant to produce hot water, saturated steam and superheated steam for various process applications, and they are range from small package producing less than five tons of steam per hour to several hundred tons of steam per hour in the utility boiler.
A good design and operational management is important to ensure the boiler produces steam safely, efficiently and reliability. Generally performance of a boiler deteriorate over time due to various reasons such as deterioration in combustion, heat transfer, lower quality fuel and water, operation and maintenance. With increasing cost of fuel, operators and maintenance personnel have to put in greater effort in maintaining high efficiency besides maintaining high safety and reliability of the steam system.
The main objective of this course is to provide the basic concept and understanding of the boiler system from the design, operation, maintenance and some steam system optimization fundamentals. This course will introduce the basic guidelines and standard requirements of the boilers design also cover the standard practice that any operator should follow to ensure safe, continuous service & efficient operation.
In addition this course will also exposed the participants to steam optimization as well as best practices in carrying out boiler inspection and maintenance according to codes, regulatory requirement in achieving high safety, reliability, life extension and efficiency.
CLOSING DATE 05/04/2017
Schedule & Outline
8.30 am - 9.00 am | Registration |
9.00 am - 10.30 am |
Session 1 Boiler Fundamentals |
10.30 am - 10.45 am | Tea Break |
10.45 am - 1.00 pm |
Session 2 Boiler design & Selecting Issues |
1.00 pm - 2.00 pm | Lunch |
2.00 pm - 3.30 pm |
Session 3 Boiler Operation & Maintenance |
3.30 pm - 3.45 pm | Tea Break |
3.45 pm - 5.00 pm |
Session 4 Boiler Maintenence & Steam System Optimisation |
5.00 pm -5.30 pm |
Questions & Discussions Certificate Presentation |
Biodata of Speakers:
Ir. Luk Chau Beng is Professional Engineer and holds a Master Degree in engineering Management, a Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering, a First Grade Steam Certificate and a First Grade Internal Combustion Engineers Competent Certificate issued by Department of Safety & Occupational Health Malaysia. He had previously completed many turnarounds in the large power industries successfully and possesses vast experience in boilers and pressure vessels. Apart from it, Ir. Luk was the Chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Technical Division of IEM and also a former Council Member. He holds several chairmanships which include Chairman for ISO TC11 on boiler and unfired pressure vessel, Chairman of TC foe mechanical engineering components with the Malaysian Energy Centre and KeTTHA. Presently he is leading a Mechanical Engineering Department at a Power Plant in Malaysia.
Ir. CW Chia is a Mechanical Engineer graduated from University of Malaya (UM) in 2004. He is a certified Professional engineer by the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and also a corporate member with the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM). Currently he is a member of sub-committee on Projects for Mechanical Engineering Technical Division under IEM. He is also appointed as IEM’s representative on technical committee of electromagnetic field for Malaysian Standardization & Research Organization (SIRIM). Ir. Chia had more than 10 years working with renewable energy sector. His experiences cover engineering, design consultancy, installation, testing, commissioning and coal power plants. Currently he owns a project management & engineering consultancy services from feasibility studies to testing and commissioning for biomass boiler & power plant development projects.
RM200.00 | RM80.00 | RM250.00 |
Seremban, Malaysia
All Dates
- Thursday, 06 April 2017 08:30 AM - 05:30 PM