BEM Mandatory Course on Safety & Health At Work

Place: IEMNS Building
Industrial safety and health of engineering activities are increasingly given greater emphasis in practice and law. This programme examines the latest statutory obligations of both the engineers and environment. It will also expose the engineers on the Occupational Safety and Health Management issues and related elements of safe systems at work. How do we ensure compliance of the latest Safety and Health Act? How can we implement and control a sound safety and health programme at our workplace?
Effective 1st January 2013, only Professional Development Programme (PDP) hours will be given to Graduate Engineers. All BEM Mandatory courses will not have any Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours.
• To promote safety and health awareness at workplace.
• To create understanding on the Occupational Safety & Health Act and its regulations:
• Factories & Machinery Act and its regulations: Fire Services Act 1988 and its regulations.
• To provide guidance on the importance of safety and health in engineering works.
• To highlight the purpose and key elements of OSH Management.
• To give information on the elements of safe systems of work.
Course Contents
• Introduction – The Aim and Scope of Course.
• Occupational Safety & Health Legislation.
• Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) Management
- Cost of Accidents and Illness (Iceberg Theory)
- Loss Causation Theories (Domino & Pyramid Model)
• Occupational Safety
- Assessment of Hazards
- Control of Hazards
• Occupational Health
- Assessment of Health Risks
- Control of Health Risks
Registration Fee
RM400.00 | RM500.00 |
Registration Form
All registration fees must be FULLY paid before commencement of the course. IEM Training Centre Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to refuse entry for participant(s) who have not paid their registration fees to attend the course. THIS REQUIREMENT WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. IEM Training Centre Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to postpone, reschedule or cancel the course.
CPD/PDP = 12.0 Hrs
All Dates
- From Wednesday, 14 May 2014 09:00 AM to Thursday, 15 May 2014 05:00 PM