Commercial Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System (POSTPONED)

Place: IEMNS Building
Note : The new date will be announce soon
The objective of air conditioning system is to provide an acceptable level of occupancy comfort and process function, to maintain good indoor air quality, and to keep system costs and energy to a minimum. Comfort air conditioning systems provide occupants with a comfortable and healthy indoor environment in which to carry out their activities. Process air conditioning systems provide needed indoor environmental control for manufacturing, product storage, or other research and development processes.
Commercial heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems provide the people working inside buildings with “conditioned air” so that they will have a comfortable and safe work environment. By “conditioned air” and “good air quality”, we mean that air should be clean and odour-free and the temperature, humidity, and movement of the air will be within certain acceptable comfort ranges. An air conditioning system is simply a group of components working together to remove heat from where it is not wanted (the conditioned space), and put it where it is unobjectionable (the outside air).
In this course, focus will be given to the basic configuration of air conditioning system, its cycle, the working fluid and factors affecting the selection of air conditioning system.
Schedule & Outline
09.00am - 09.30am |
Light Breakfast / Registration |
09.30am - 10.45am |
Session 1 Purpose of Air Conditioning Comfort Requirements Dissecting Air Conditioning System |
10.45am - 11.15am | Tea Break |
11.15am - 12.45am |
Session 2 Refrigeration Cycle |
12.45am - 2.00pm | Lunch |
2.00pm - 3.15pm |
Session 3 Refrigerant Direct Expansion VS Chilled Water System |
3.30pm - 3.45pm | Tea Break |
3.45pm - 5.00pm |
Session 4 Factors Affecting Selection of Air Conditioning System Q & A Certificate Presentation |
Biodata of Speakers:
Ir. Mohd Hazzah Ahmad Siron
Ir. Mohd Hazzah Ahmad Siron has been in air conditioning industry for more than 22 years, in the area of design, installation, operation and maintenance.
He is a registered Professional Engineer with the Board of Engineers, Malaysia and many other engineering bodies; American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Engineer (ASHRAE) , Corporate Member of Institution of Engineer Malaysia, and Green Building Index Facilitator with Green Building Index Malaysia. He holds a degree in BSc. in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University USA and Master of Engineering. in Mechanical Engineering from Malaya University of Malaya. He has served in the technical committee of Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran for developing NOSS level 4 and level 5 in Air Conditioning System. Also, he is currently serving as a committee member in the Membership Application Board of the Institution of Engineer Malaysia.
Ir. Mohd Hazzah began his career at Rasma Corp Sdn. Bhd. as a Mechanical Engineer responsible for the installation, testing and commissioning of centralised chiller system and rose to the rank of Operation Manager till. in 1998. After resigning from Rasma Corp Sdn. Bhd., he joined Portneka Sdn Bhd. as a project director until he left the company in 2003 to start his own contracting firm. Later in 2011 he joint an M & E consulting firm Perunding Syed dan Shahriah as a mechanical director in charge of designing mechanical building services.
Registration Fee
RM200.00 | RM250.00 |
CPD/PDP = 7.0 Hrs
All Dates
- Tuesday, 10 June 2014 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM